New on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS: Reign of Fire & Zillatinum Part 3

This week, I wrote about a big-ish budget monsterpocalypse that tries to make fire-breathing dragons into realistic animal antagonists. Does it succeed? I think you already know the answer.

Read about it on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

Meanwhile, the Godzilla series capsule reviews continue with a trip to the late sixties and early seventies, the point where the movies got very silly very fast.

Read about that on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

New on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS: Arachnophobia & Zillatinum Part 2

In this month’s Creature Classic Companion, we look at a Spielberg-adjacent comedic horror movie and its surprising grudge against small town America.

Read about in on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

If that’s big enough for you, you can also check out a new duo of Godzilla capsule reviews, looking at the eighties resurrection Return of Godzilla and the new millennium comeback Godzilla 2000.

Read about those on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

New on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS: Geharha: The Dark and Long-Haired Monster, Death Kappa, & Spectreman

An unheard of number of new topics discussed on the other site these past few days! First, a double feature of two kaiju parody films, with some major similarities to each other and a whole lot of people involved with other movies I’ve written about.

Read about it on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

There’s also an overview of another seventies tokusatsu classic, starring all your new favourite Space Apemen.

Read about that on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

New on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS: The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms & The Movie Monster Game

This month’s Creature Classic takes us once again to Harryhausen Town to talk about one of the most influential monster movies ever made.

Read about it on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!

Meanwhile, we cover another giant monster movie simulator from a prehistoric time: the mid-eighties. Prominently features a certain radioactive reptile who has figured heavily in the last few weeks worth of posts.

Read about that on REVIEW ALL MONSTERS!